Monday, January 27, 2014

Rest in Peace, Jim D.

Photo by Laura Smith

Jim, you were such a creative force. Your freaky horror folk has always stirred me. Now you are gone and I will never get to see your elfish face again. Remember our days at Virginia's discussing lucid dreaming and how that was where you wrote your music? Then there was the time you prepared escargot for us and you didn't give me grief for being a vegan. I felt like I was eating friends but I'm glad for that snail experience. I'm sorry I didn't call you more.
I'm sorry that you're gone. 

Twelve Canons will always be one of my favorite bands. 

Thank you for the hauntingly beautiful music you have left us. 

Twelve Canon's last album is now available for free:

Sunday, January 26, 2014

%$^# it's cold.

It's almost February. Does that mean winter is almost over? I sure hope so. Even though my travel plans have been cancelled and it's been insanely cold, I've still managed to make the most of it. Comical attempts at cross country skiing counts, right? Ice skating on a lake is most definitely a highlight. The buzzword lately has been 'hygge' have you heard of it? NPR turned me on to it. Hygge (pronounced hYOOguh) is a Danish word which basically means cozy. It definitely is about making the small things count and to live in the moment. Winter doldrums are no fun but if you light a fire and have good conversation then even the coldest nights can be wonderful.  Of course, for me that means that if we bust out the games then a delightful time can certainly be had! 

How about some hot chocolate and board games (may I suggest Othello for two or The Great Dalmuti for five or more?) to make it through yet another cold winter's night.

Crack open my cooking rag and you shall find: